There are no straw men, there is no mind reading necessary. My responses all come as a direct result of the body of things you have said over the several years that I have been in almost daily communication with you as well as what you have said in the past few days.
You yourself said in a comment in a story about the use of the "N" word that it was "soft racism" for White people to tell Black people how to deal with the things they face. Then you turn around and defend your right to tell Black people how to more appropriately deal with the things they face. Is that or is that not the same "soft racism" that you were decrying before? Or is it only different when you do it, because you have good intentions?
And you haven't been offering ideas about what is most effective -which would be pretty condescending but at least less overtly offensive. You have been angrily complaining every chance you get about SJWs and how you haven't done anything wrong and so people should stop demoninzing you (even though it's not about you personally), and how racism is often overblown (an incredibly disempowering and racist thing to say). You have absolutely no standing to say that. You have no evidence, you have no expertise that allows you to say that. You have not walked in the shoes of those who say that it is not just hurting them, but killing them. It's simply how it feels to you because then you feel justified telling other people about how this racism stuff is largely their own fault - for not being nicer, for not being more assimilated, for not being grateful enough. Having more Black friends than I do doesn't give you a free pass to say that shit.
I have never once seen you offer any sort of solution until yesterday when you suggested that more Black people should be like Daryl who is befriending KKK members - a nice thing to do, but one that hardly addresses all the unconscious bias and systemic racism in this country. Oh, I forgot, you've decreed that systemic racism doesn't exist, no matter what the people actually experiencing it have to say. What do they know about their own lives anyhow?
How exactly are we going to change people's hearts by being best friends if they can't even take responsibility for the fact that even those who have good intentions often say and do things that are hurtful and which preserve an unequal access to power, wealth, and respect? Of course, getting to know each other better is a good thing, but that's not going to solve problems that some people won't even acknowledge exist. "Nice" people with good intentions do and say racist things every day. That's the bulk of what racism is!
You are lying to yourself up oneside and down the other around this. Your statements are full of contradictions (otherwise known as hypocrisy). And, I don't know why I even bothered to write any of this, because cognitive dissonance will take over and you will justify to yourself all of your conflicting statements, and all of your own advice that you refuse to follow, and nothing I say will make any difference AT ALL. So I guess I'm not going to bother after this.