There are zero logical problems. You imagine these cultures in a two-dimensional way that fits some sort of arbitrary metrics you've created in your head which are completely and totally devoid of the accepted academic standard. There are few things in the social sciences that are 100% agreed upon, but you haven't actually presented anything that challenges what I've said in any meaningful way. Unless you start doing that, I am going to continue to point out how absurdly you are acting. In case you haven't noticed, I spent about 4 hours yesterday addressing your questions and giving you access to a wide variety of expert opinion on these topics. If I'm cherry picking, where is the substance of the "true" situation? Oh, that's right? It's in your head. Give me a break...
Edit: the info that I provided about aboriginal marriage comes from the official website of the country of Australia, so don't imagine that you are going to accuse me of "cherry picking" on that one.