They were so happy that a lot of them needed "mother's little helper" to get them through the day and they all started drinking in the afternoon - and 1/3 of them got divorced to escape their happy and fulfilling marriages. Just how delusional are you? There were literally hundreds of laws that were different for women than for men in the 1970s until second wave feminism applied pressure to change that.
What use is it having a law degree if no big firms will hire you and if they do, they will give you crap work and pay you less.
I didn't say that all sex is rape. I said that marital rape was not illegal in all US states until 1993 and that there are still loopholes today where a man can rape his wife and get away with it. And that it was second wave feminism that began the charge to end the legality of marital rape. It was second wave feminism that demanded that domestic abuse laws actually be upheld and that crimes of that nature be taken seriously.
You seem to be plenty comfortable discussing all kinds of things that you don't know anything about. There are people who actually study this stuff and have the data - and there are people like me who write things that reference that data rather than speaking off the cuff out of my insecurities and biases like some people do.
As I've already made quite clear with ample examples and references, a lot of ordinary women were not in the least bit happy and fulfilled which is what sparked the women's movement. If they were all so happy, they wouldn't have paid any attention to it. The level of cognitive dissonance is really just too much and I've wasted too much time on this already.
Facts don't care about your feelings, dude and the facts speak for themselves.