This!! I don't know how many times I've had to point that out, but some men are a lot more attached to their comfort and the status quo than they are to being reasonable about this. If there is metaphorical shouting going on, it's because calm discourse hasn't moved the ball. Honestly, if guys are tired of hearing women complain, they ought to get a whole lot more involved in remaking the culture (and the mainstream masculine norms that drive a lot of the problems in it), because that is the only way that the "complaining" is going to stop. We're not sitting down and shutting up, we're not going back, and we're not going to be nicer about demanding basic human rights and fair treatment.
Thanks for the shout-out as well. I've read, and will continue to read, various male authors and experts talking about shifting masculinity in this culture - because I think that's where the meat is in affecting systemic change. I do wish more men would read women writers and try to understand the larger dynamics in play. It would make a big difference, I think.