This is a nice sentiment but it isn't remotely in line with reality. Trans people get routinely attacked on the street by strangers simply for daring to exist. Their rate of both murder and suicide is many, many times the levels of other people - up to about 30%. As I mentioned in the original piece that you commented on, " A study by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) found that “20% of gender non-conforming students reported attempting suicide compared to 7% of gender-conforming students." A huge percentage of LGBTQ kids are homeless, many resorting to sex work just to survive. That's not OK by me, and it's all preventable because it's all due to discrimination and harassment for not conforming to gender norms - something that doesn't actually materially affect anyone else.
Then there's the matter of discrimination - in jobs, in housing, in medical care. There are now states where doctors can choose not to treat someone based on their sexuality or gender identity. There are many places where you can be fired for being gay, or refused an apartment. Same sex couples often can't find nursing homes or other elder care facilities that will accept them. That doesn't serve society in any demonstrable way but it does unequvicably lead to death, depression, and misery for the folks who happen to have just been born different.
I'm tall too, so you don't have to explain to me what it's like to be a tall women, but you are actually making my point with that analogy. You were harassed and given a hard time for something you had no control over and which incidentally is a function of gender norms (women should be smaller than men). Now you are defending normalizing that for other people who just happen to have been born different from the accepted norms. That doesn't make any sense. The solution to all of this is to leave people the hell alone to be who they were born as and to normalize that.
Heterosexuality is not going away. It will always be the dominant sexual orientation. Normalizing the fact that a small percentage of the population is not heterosexual isn't going to change anything in the grand scheme of things except to save the lives of the people, the children, who are miserable and/or dying every day because they are stigmatized for not being the norm.
If parents are up in arms about that then they have no empathy, common sense, or decency. Their child is going to grow up to be whatever it is they were at birth and there's nothing they can do about that - either to make them straight or to make them gay. Biological sex is not a strict binary. The belief that it is is out of alignment with science, as I've already demonstrated to you with the quotes from Scientific American and other data about the variability of chromosomes and hormone levels, as well as intersex physiology. Isn't it more important to understand what is actually true than to cling to outdated social beliefs that really don't matter one way or the other except in a social construct?And isn’t that even more true when those norms are leading the harm and even to the death of other human beings?
How on earth would it result in chaos to interface with what is actually the truth? Only about 7% of the US population identifies as LBGTQ. It's a drop in the bucket. About 1.5% are trans. This literally has no impact on the rest of the population except in their minds. You cannot make a gay person straight and you cannot make a straight person gay - by admitting that gay people exist, by accepting that gender is a social construct and that sexuality is not really a binary, by making it known that your plumbing is not the arbiter of who you are as a person. And being gay isn't any more about sex than being straight is.
And as I've already pointed out to you, yes, pretty soon we are going to largely accept this understanding of gender and sexuality because most younger people already do. It's just going to take us old fogies dying off for a lot of this to no longer be an issue. Might as well get with the program right now, and save some children the heartache and the stigma and the bullying of being told that there is something wrong with them, might as well save some lives right now because that is literally what it comes down to.