This is completely anecdotal and based on my personal perceptions - which are not in the least bit scientific - but when I'm in airports, concerts, ball games, malls or any other place where large groups of people gather, I notice that in about 70% of couples the woman is quite a bit more physically attractive than the man; in about 20% they are roughly the same, and in about 10% of couples, he's noticeably more physically attractive. This clearly dispels the lie that women only care about guys who look like movie stars (which is men projecting what they want - and not what most actual women want) - something that is confirmed by all sorts of research as well as my personal observations.
Men who think that Margie Robbie really isn't all that pretty are either negging or have fallen into the "I deserve an underwear model" trap - brought to them by Seth Rogan, porn, and Insta-culture at large. Perhaps they should just order a robot girlfriend.
"A very common trope, particularly in animation and sitcoms, is for a woman to be far more attractive than her significant other, even when the husband does not have a prestigious, high-paying job."
Ugly Guy, Hot Wife — TV Tropes
This expectation seems to be at the root of a lot of the complaints I run across from men about dating. It’s certainly a part of the angry incel dynamic. There’s this belief that not only are women owed to men, but that really beautiful women should be interested in guys who are not exactly their “match.” It’s probably mostly a subconscious belief, but that doesn’t keep it from being a problem — for both women and men.