This is true, but it is the belief that is most often held by the majority of people in the US, albeit subconsciously, because that is what patriarchy has taught them to believe in. The very vicious sort of capitalism practiced in the US reinforces it.
A less economically stratified and class-oriented culture would go a long way to help, but until you get people to stop buying into social stratification, and the pyramid of power, where they believe if they don't win they lose, it's not going to change much.
The Vikings believed in a fair amount of gender equality, relatively speaking, and the Nordic countries have carried that forward into the present. Combine that with the democratic socialist desire to provide basic quality of life for all, and you're starting from a very different place that we are in the US, where "All men are created equal" meant all White men who owned property or land. The Danish didn't magically have egalitarianism. It's been a centuries old part of their social make-up, and then they did things to continue to foster it, such as teach empathy in schools, and encourage people to compete against themselves, rather than to compete against their peers. Meanwhile, our entire culture is built around competing against other people. Who has more power or prestige, who has a nicer car, who is thinner or prettier, etc., etc., etc.
Pretty much no-one is actually screaming that White men are evil, but they are saying that the power structures designed by White men (which were enforced by laws up until about 50 years ago) to foster and continue their unequivacable dominance are harmful. And that even though those laws are gone, their legacy continues on, often in subconsious ways, which cannot be addressed unless they are called out. You can't fix a problem that you don't even understand exists.
You've been taught by your competitive culture that you are an individual, but you are also a part of a society, which you help co-create whether you want to or not. Instead of getting your feelings hurt that you are being lumped in with a harmful power structure, you should be looking for ways to help be a part of the change and the solution that doesn't ignore the realities of the privilege you have experienced.
At least 25% of women in the US military are raped — that’s 1 in 4, a significantly higher number than the already incredibly high 1 in 6 in the general population. More than 80% are sexually harassed. These are the numbers that the Pentagon self-reports, so their validity is not in question. It doesn’t matter very much what the ethos of an individual is if the culture of the group/society is dysfunctional. The US military undoubtedly has many honorable men in it, but the fact of the matter is, the overall culture of the military is about violent domination. So much so that, according to the Pentagon, 38 men are also raped every day.
Despite years of concerted efforts to get sexual assault and harassment under control in the military, the Pentagon reported that numbers actually increased by a staggering 38% between 2016 and 2018. Better education and awareness, and even increasing penalties for sexual misconduct have had no effect because the underlying issue isn’t being addressed. If you have a culture of violent domination, that is what will take place within it. The fact the most of the men who are in the military do not assault or harass makes no difference whatsoever. It demonstrably does not override the culture and the facts speak for themselves about that.
So, "I'm a good guy, and I didn't do any of that stuff" really doesn't cut it because it has no net positive effect of those who are oppressed or victimized by the culture. The only people who are interested in a race war are the Whites who don't want to have to take any responsibility for the culture that they built and the way that it has harmed others. More Blacks are poor because of institutional racsim designed to keep them that way. If you want to talk about economic egalitarianism, you have to address that aspect.
In most jurisdictions, sitting idly by and watching someone else from your group commit a felony means that you are also responsible for that crime. People will stop complaining when things improve, and not before. Wishing it could be different won't make it so.