This was a good piece, although as a white person, I don't get upset when Black folks talk about the harm they have and continue to experience at the hands of a white-centric culture. I know it's true, and also that I'm trying hard to be a part of changing that so they aren't talking about me.
Centering themselves in this scenario is a deflection. It's a way to divert attention away from women and put the focus back on them, and why it's unfair to them, blah, blah, blah. One guy just said to me that he was happy to learn about women's problems and concerns, as long as it didn't entail issues with men (which he described as man bashing) - oblivious to the fact that most women's safety and equality issues are a direct result of how men treat women in our culture - as a sociological dynamic.
I recommended, as you have, that he participate in helping to change the culture rather than in trying to shut down women's voices.