Very interesting indeed — thanks for sharing that. I used to love to decorate to the hilt too, but I no longer do. I can’t help but wonder if it’s because I’m pulled in a lot more directions now and I’m tired, or if I was doing it primarily because I thought I was supposed to.
James has great design sense and cares about our home being welcoming and comfortable. He’s totally spearheaded our current kitchen and bathroom renovations, which is a huge relief to me to not have to juggle dealing with contractors, etc., while I’m doing everything else. Has he taken it on because he’s retired and has more time and bandwidth for that now, or is it because with polyamory with dismantled so many of our previous roles? Probably a combination of the two, but in any case, I’m so happy to not have to deal with that right now, other than to confirm a couple of design decisions.