We can certainly agree that Steve is an admirable guy. 😉 I still think if you can't back up what you say with at least some examples, it's empty rhetoric that doesn't do anything but inflame discord and send a dog whistle to random haters, of which you do seem to attract quite a few (even though I don't put you in that same category). If that's what you want to put out into the world, you have every right to, but it doesn't solve anything, or improve anything. It's just tilting at windmills.
My "reality" is based in reality (facts, data, lived personal experiences, etc.). I'm honestly not sure what yours is based in. If you aren't an angry white man, you sure do a great job of talking like one. It doesn't matter whether you actually are or not, you represent their angry, whiny, complaining. I'd hardly call that the center ground. Steve is the center ground in part because he talks about both sides. That's not something I've seen from you (but perhaps I've missed it).
And actually what Yael and I talked about is how we write about the same things in pretty much the same tone and style, and it's only our different personal circumstances that leads some people to treat us differently. I think that's kind of a different animal.