We'd all be better off if we did lose some of these so called "values" since many of them are based in social Darwinism, the importance of a dominance-based hierarchy, hyper-individualism and levels of "self-sufficiency" that are driving depression, substance abuse, and suicide, particularly amongst men and harming our societies/world in other ways. Many of these “values” are at the root of why we are in a climate crisis in the first place.
The Nathan Robinson article is brilliant and spot on.
"When he seems to be saying something fallacious (e.g. hierarchies are okay because natural) he will qualify it with a caveat that means he is saying nothing at all (e.g. natural things are sometimes okay but not always). Sam Harris, who is sympathetic to Peterson’s political stances, has pointed out in exasperation that many of Peterson’s claims about the foundations of good conduct are either unsupported or do not make sense:
[I]sn’t it obvious that most of what we consider ethical—indeed, almost everything we value—now stands outside the logic of evolution? Caring for disabled children would most likely have been maladaptive for our ancestors during any conditions of scarcity—while cannibalism recommended itself from time to time in every corner of the globe. How much inspiration should we draw from the fact that killing and eating children is also an ancient “archetype”?"