Well, I always say "most men" or talk about masculinity because no demographic is a monolith - so I can't speak for what other people do or don't do. But that being said, there are all sorts of things that men today can and should do to be confronting the legacy of thousands of years of intentional oppression and marginalization, as well as the very well defined elements of mainstream "Man Box" masculinity that hurt men and everyone else. And, I don't have time or bandwidth to educate you about what those are. I talk about them all the time in my stories but I suspect you need a more individualized/personalized type of guidance. If you are truly interested (and not just complaining) then join a men's group, read articles and books by male thought leaders on this (like Mark Greene here on Medium), ask the women in your world how you can support them better, and be open to learning.
Men pretending that this is all out of their hands is exactly why we still have the dysfunctional society that we do. You're right that if you don't see somebody being harassed or groped or whatever, you can't speak up about that, but you can still do a lot of things to support women and a better culture anyhow. Check out this story written by Toni Hargis for some concrete pointers to get you started.