We've already gone over this - we need complimentary genitals to procreate. Are you saying that female engineers or mathematicians are somehow an aberration against God because they are demonstrating a "male nature" in a female body? Because that's essentially what you are saying. And what about men who exhibit a "female nature" such as wanting to be married to a man? Are they too an aberration?
There are differences between individuals along an enormous spectrum that has a huge amount of overlap. That's why most indigenous cultures have 3, 5, or even 7 genders to account for this. Pee Wee Herman, RuPaul, Mikhail Baryshnikov, and Donald Trump are all men. Are you going to with a straight face tell me that all have the same inherent male nature that makes them able to be put into a category that is distinct from all women? Give me a break....
You've got dogma that doesn't hold up in real world scenarios. I get that you are deeply attached to it from an emotional standpoint but it makes zero logical sense - and so far you have never even attempted to reconcile those inconsistencies - you just double down on telling me how it "feels" right to you. What that means is you are reacting out of deep-seated subconscious biases because they cannot be assailed by logic or reason.
We all are made up of Yin (female nature) and Yang (male nature) in varying degrees and blends. That is where the Image of God comes in - not in relegating those qualities to only one type of human body or another -something that very clearly and obviously does not exist in actual human beings. If it did, there would be no female astronauts or computer programmers, or CEOs or whatever.... There would be no male Kindergarten teachers, or nurses, or secretaries. But there are!!!!! QED - this binary does not exist expect in man-made dogma.