What I say to guys like that is, "Women have been doing the difficult and sometimes dangerous work of fighting for new horizons for themselves for 50 years+. We still face harassment, hazing, and backlash for doing that, but have managed to get to a place where a woman has the choice to be an astronaut, an underwear model, or anything in between. Men need to do that for themselves - to fight for a world where they don't have to only fit into a small box of acceptable masculinity. We need to support that, but it's not our work."
Also, ask them where exactly "equality" has gone too far and what they mean by that. For the most part, it's a manosphere talking point that has no substance behind it. The notion that we should continue to suffer on a wide variety of levels until more men are comfortable with not oppressing women is patently absurd. I'm sure you gave these idiots what for - they certainly deserve it.