What? You are truly grasping at straws here. Just because you don't know something doesn't mean someone for whom that is their area of expertise for over 20 years doesn't know it. Give me an effing break. . .
Of course, not all dominance hierarchies are patriarchal necessarily, but they are the only sort that has ever existed in history and there is no reason to think they would ever arise in any other way. All matrilineal cultures - both in the past and that exist today are heavily invested in balance between men and women and shared power. But again, you wouldn't know that because you aren't remotely versed in any of this - you're just another guy who is afraid that women are going to do to men what they have done to them for thousands of years. Newsflash - Domination isn't the only option' and it's certainly not something that any women I've ever come across are looking for.
You're being truly obstinate and kind of stupid right now, so I guess it really is time to call this for real on account of darkness.