What you hear has little basis in larger reality. It's simply the loud voices of a few disgruntled guys being amplified. Taking your beliefs from TikTok isn't a good way to be well-informed.
How exactly is it a "woman's world"? Women are still openly discriminated against, paid unequally for the same work (even though that's illegal), treated as if they aren't as competent as men, and held to standards of likeability that men are not. The most powerful women in the world still get judged on their looks, if they are good mothers, and all sorts of other things that men are never evaluated on when considering if they are strong leaders. Women surgeons get groped and sexually harassed DURING medical procedures. Rape culture is alive and well. Women still do about twice as much child, home, and elder care as men, no matter if they also work outside the home or if they make more money than their partners. I could literally go on and on for about another three pages here but that's not how I want to spend my time.
If you care about the truth (rather than the opinions of entitled and aggrieved men with loud mouths and social media accounts) I suggest that you get your information elsewhere.