What you've described to me is everything that is wrong with patriarchy - a social system where men in particular are expected to step on other people in order to achieve rank and position. We don't need more of that - we need less. And a huge number of the men who are most in the Man Box are depressed, lonely, and even suicidal -as noted in the Equimundo study in the OP. Playing by those rules hasn't actually made very many of them happy and secure. It's made them put on a brave face and pretend that they are because they aren't allowed to show any difficult emotions other than anger and they have no real friends to talk about it with anyhow. Don't kid yourself that life would have necessarily been better if you'd chosen that path. Mark Greene has written a bunch of excellent, research-based stories on this.
"Ultimately, our culture of male emotional toughness weans boys and men off of the intuitive capacities for emotional connection they are born with. Many boys never have the opportunity to explore and grow these relational capacities at all, taught from birth instead to “man up” and “be a man” elevating toughness and assertiveness over connection and empathy. Which leaves millions of men with only emotionally guarded ways of forming friendships. They simply lack the relational capacities to connect emotionally."