When men stop killing, harming, yelling at, throwing beer on, and calling women names for clearly saying No, that situation can begin to improve. And reading her cues is not "mind reading" - she's telling you very clearly what she wants but in a non-verbal way. The fact that most men have never bothered to learn to pay attention to these cues is what this OP is about. It's very well documented that men tend to "decide" that a woman is interested in them because he's interested in her, likes the way she's dressed, or she scratched her back... 🙄 Sorry, but that's a you-problem, not an us-problem. In studies about this, when men are taught to learn to pay attention to women's body language and other cues, they are perfectly capable of understanding them. It's just that they've been taught that women exist for their pleasure and so they've never learned to do that, often to their detriment. Just ask Aziz Ansari.