Why did you repeatedly ask me in your initial comments who was asserting that men are "naturally" more violent than women are if you yourself hold that position? And on what, exactly do you base that? What evidence do you have that such a thing is true? The fact that most violence is perpetrated by men is insufficient because that may be caused by any number of things other than inherent nature.
Your example about Japan is just specious and shows a true lack of understanding of how social science works. More than one thing is happening at a time and exerting influence in any given society. Quite obviously, a dominance hierarchy based culture isn't the ONLY possible marker of violence, but in general (often enough to make a broad generalization) a culture that glorifies violence is going to have a lot more than an egalitarian one which has many mechanisms for keeping it in check.
And asserting that most anthropologists and paleontologists don't actually understand their subject matter is about the stupidest thing I've ever heard someone say. Talk about condescending and unsupported....
As it stands, we do have to actively train men to be violent. That's not exactly in factual dispute. Anyone who has ever been in the military will attest to that. Even then, most of them are still highly reluctant to kill - as already discussed in detail with a huge number of concrete examples. All mammals are highly reluctant to kill, although obviously there are certain instances when that reluctance is overridden. You haven't actually factually challenged any of that, and yet feel fine about dismissing the larger premise out of hand without addressing the validity of the actual components. That is what I mean when I say not debating in good faith. You don't tackle my assertions head on, instead you bring in tertiary elements which don't necessarily disprove what I've said, some of which are just laughable - such as the comment about two articles about skeletons.
Of course, all humans have capacity for violence but there's an enormous difference between sporadic hot blooded fights, execution for breaking the norms of the group, etc., and institutionalized violence which is an intrinsic part of the culture - which is something we did not see until just a few thousand years ago. And, I've already spoken to all if this IN DEPTH with numerous citations from relevant scientific sources in multiple stories which you have purported to have read, so I'm not going into it again just because you can't seem to pay attention.