Women are a powerful force, and if they could've changed this fucking culture to one where men don't mentally, physically, and emotionally brutalize them from childhood until death, they would have already done it. They've been trying for hundreds, if not thousands of years, with little success. Don't put that at women's feet and pretend they could have had safety and equality if only they'd put their minds to it and picked better quality men.
Wanting to get a cute girl to fuck you isn't remotely the same thing as caring what women actually think or want. Men who have studied this as their life's work agree with me. And even if that weren't true, simply looking at the statistics around violence, around blatant discrimination that women still face, against pervasive double standards all tells a different story than you one that you are.
If men actually cared what women think, women wouldn't initiate 70% of all divorces. Yes, women play a role in maintaining patriarchy, but they are also a marginalized and openly discriminated against demographic that only recently got any rights at all - because they are a powerful fucking force - but don't underestimate how much deeply entrenched power dynamics disempower (just as they were intended to do) because that just smells like privilege talking.