Women file for 70% of divorces. People who study why this is cite all the same things that Ossiana did. Are there women out there who are not good partners? You bet there are, but we live in a culture that still teaches men that women exist to take care of them and their needs, and it's reflected in the fact that more and more women aren't standing for that. The researchers even cite outdated ideas about marriage as being one of the major factors in why so many women seek divorce vs. 50-50 in non-marital relationships.
"I think that marriage as an institution has been a little bit slow to catch up with expectations for gender equality," Rosenfeld said. "Wives still take their husbands' surnames, and are sometimes pressured to do so. Husbands still expect their wives to do the bulk of the housework and the bulk of the childcare. On the other hand, I think that non-marital relationships lack the historical baggage and expectations of marriage, which makes the non-marital relationships more flexible and therefore more adaptable to modern expectations, including women's expectations for more gender equality."