WTF are you even talking about? - no it wasn't hostile. You really are deluded. And if you thought that the things that I spoke to, which are after all at the very least mainstream pop EP, were that, and not representative of the entire field, why didn't you just say that straight out?
I know what EP stands for and the long, extensive piece I linked you from Scientific American said a whole lot more than I did about why it is full of holes and is based in a wide variety of false assumptions.
It's not that we can't learn things from the evolutionary pressures that our ancestors faced, but you have to look at what they actually did face and not overlay relatively contemporary dynamics to suit your preferred narrative - which is what EP too often does. It frequently doesn't factor in cultural differences, or things like the fucking Industrial Revolution. It's too often neat and tidy when human beings are anything but. They are not homogenous and they do not respond in uniform ways to the challenges and pressures that they encounter. Pretending they do is neat and tidy, but it's also bullshit.
I'm not going round and round with you on this any longer. It's clear we are not going to ever agree on this.