WTF are you even talking about? Women who talk about equality, about very real issues of safety and basic human dignity routinely get rape threats, death threats, and pile-on trolling, as well as doxxing and other sorts of hatefulness simply for talking about their own personal traumatic experiences. I get nasty, hateful responses to things that I say every single day just for talking about the way that our culture operates and how that’s harmful to both women and men. So does every single woman I know who talks openly about this stuff. Try to live in the real world please.
The Commissioner for Human Rights in the Council of Europe says, “just speaking out … about issues online, often when related to feminism, gender equality, sexual abuse or specific aspects of women’s rights, such as sexual and reproductive health and rights, may be a trigger for violence and abuse.”
And while we’re interfacing with reality, in 91% of child custody cases, there is no interference from the family court system, and where there is, it heavily favors fathers, even ones who are abusive.
"In the opening pages of its official report on gender bias in the court system, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court states, “We began our investigation of child custody aware of a common perception that there is a bias in favor of women in these decisions. Our research contradicted this perception…Fathers who actively seek custody obtain either primary or joint physical custody over 70% of the time… Two other aspects of child custody determination raised concern for us. The presumption in favor of shared legal custody that is currently held by many family service officers can result in the awarding of shared legal custody in inappropriate circumstances. We also found that abuse targeted at the mother is not always seen as relevant to custody and visitation decisions. Our research indicates that witnessing, as well as personally experiencing, abuse within the family causes serious harm to children.”This is where the true bias in the family court system lives. It favors men over all other considerations. And it’s getting kids killed."