Yes, exactly - but those aren't the only two options -although a lot of men resist equality for women because they fear becoming the ones who are disadvantaged because they don't understand there are other possibilities. Dominance hierarchies are zero-sum systems. Somebody has to lose in order for somebody to win. This is apparently all most men can imagine - which is why they often see gains for women coming at their expense - even though equality is not a pie and benefits everyone in the society.
Egalitarian cultures do exist. In fact, all matrilineal cultures (where lineage and inheritance go through the mother) believe in a balance between men and women - both in power and in respect. As noted in another comment, those are also the ones where rape either doesn't exist or is very rare - and is usually actually viewed as quite unmanly.
I don't think we'll ever get away from domination-based hierarchies entirely (at least not anytime soon) but it would be better for us all to at least try to embrace more egalitarian win-win options.