You are being silly and obstinate because you have an emotional reaction to the term patriarchy. If you remove that word from the equation and look at the historical fact that there were huge social and political changes worldwide around the time that humans went from being foragers to when we become sedentary and agriculturalists, it's not something that is actually in dispute. You adamantly refusing to accept the historical fact of this because you think it has something to do with current dynamics is absurd.
And why are you continuing to bring "indigenous cultures" into this? This has absolutely nothing at all to do with that in the present day. There are a vast array of social configurations amongst people that we might consider to be under that umbrella. You can't lump them all together. As I've already said to you, it makes an enormous difference if a culture is nomadic or sedentary, if they hunt big or small game (or no game), if their culture is patrilocal (couples move to where the husband's family lives) or matrilocal, etc. You cannot say they all have essentially the same culture because all of those things matter and you being upset with me because you think I'm somehow assailing "indigenous cultures" with modern Western ideas is just ridiculous because I'm not remotely talking about that. The fact that it is essentially universally accepted that a whole lot of social and political things changed at a particular point in human history has nothing at all to do with this.
You seem to have some notion that "indigenous cultures" all have long histories of male dominance and what could be considered "patriarchal dynamics" and so we shouldn't judge them for their cultures through the lends of modern Western idea. But what you don't seem to grasp is that although there is a wide variety in what actually makes up "indigenous cultures" most of them are way more egalitarian, way more balanced between men and women than most Western societies. You've got the shoe entirely on the wrong foot.
And I've already said this to you several dozen times as well. No one at all is saying that "indigenous cultures" are patriarchal and that this is inappropriate, because for the most part even in cultures where men have some primacy over women, they still don't begin to remotely fit the description of a patriarchal culture. I don't understand why this so hard for you to grasp?
Stop assigning moral implications to historical events and you'll be a lot closer to interfacing with reality.