You are correct that the ruthless brand of capitalism that we practice in this country isn't really conducive to a more egalitarian culture. And, at the same time, the biggest shifts that we are currently seeing away from old style dominance hierarchy models are in the arena of business - because it's a lot more agile - and therefore better for the bottom line.
I'm not predicting a major transformation anytime soon, but as Margaret Meade once noted, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has." We don't need all men to get on board with this - we just need a solid plurality. Sixty years ago women and Black people were second class citizens by law. That situation is far from perfect, but it's come a huge long way. What else might we accomplish if even a few key men started making it "cool" to be non-violent and respectful of women? It's certainly an endeavor that is better than the alternative.