You are either a part of the solution or you a part of the problem. If you watch porn that dehumanizes women, if you laugh at misogynistic jokes, or don't speak up when other people do that, if you vote for politicians that take women's rights away, if you assume that women who are reporting sexual assault are probably lying, etc., etc., etc., - that is all contributing to a culture that normalizes harm. And that's just as relates to women in the culture. The same attitude applies to absolutely everything else. If you don't stand up for weaker people who are being laughed at or bullied, if you don't say anything when a friend tells a racist story, if you assume that poor people must deserve it because they are lazy, if you are overly invested in what other people wear or drive or do.... etc., etc., etc. How you act and speak and what you normalize as OK helps to co-create a healthy culture or a bad one.
Culture is co-created by the people in it - by what they do and what they don't do. As we discussed a while back, the Germans have taken national responsibility for the way that their collective inactions allowed the Nazis to rise to power and to do unspeakable things. That's strength, that's radical self-responsibility and it's incredibly admirable.