You are telling stories that men pass around to each other as truth, but they aren't remotely true. That's why you are having to "explain" this stuff to me, because it has nothing to do with the reality of being a woman - it's stuff men made up and tell each other.
I don't have time to debunk this all, but here's just one example: saying that women mostly don't want to have sex with multiple people is a gross generalization that is largely wrong. Women in committed relationships generally want just one partner (but so do most men in committed relationships), yet 2/3 of committed relationships that open up to some form of consensual non-monogamy do so at the suggestion of the woman. Women cheat just as much as men do and in many ways are more sexually adventurous than men are.
And in four national surveys conducted between 1991 and 1996, women and men under the age of forty-five were basically neck and neck in the cheating game, while a 1992 survey found that American women aged eighteen to twenty-nine reported even more affairs than their male peers, and a more recent GSS found the same thing. Meanwhile, a 2017 study shows that among women aged twenty-five to twenty-nine, group sex and threesome experience equaled that of men the same age, and women were nearly twice as likely to have gone to a dungeon, BDSM, swingers’, or sex party, challenging the easy assumption that men are the naturally more sexually adventurous sex.
Martin, Wednesday. Untrue (pp. 41-42). Little, Brown and Company. Kindle Edition.
Dating apps aren't life. Most are 70-85% men which completely skews the supply and demand aspect. Stop listening to and believing these "just so" stories from other men and pay attention to what women say about this stuff. You’ll be much better off.