You do realize that advertising, media, and writers for television and movies are OVERWHELMINGLY male, right? That even in movies that are ostensibly about women, men still have most of the speaking lines and onscreen time. This delusional belief that somehow women wield a huge amount of power and influence is frankly just absurd. When 85 of little girls in America don't start getting sexually harassed on the street before they are 17, when rape doesn't happen to 1 in 3 women, when there's no more glass ceiling, or motherhood penalty, when women are fully viewed as just as intelligent and competent as men in professional situations - then and only then does it make any sense whatsoever to stop indicting the norms of masculinity that drive all that shit.
If men want to stop hearing about how terrible they are, then they need to do something about how unacceptable and harmful the ways they are socialized to behave is to women and children, but also to other men.
90% of rapes are committed by men - against both men and women
90% of the sort of domestic violence that is about control is perpetrated by men against women
90% of physical violence of any sort is committed by men
85% of women start getting sexually harassed as children
38% of college guys have admitted to researchers to coercing women into sex they didn't want
1 in 16 girls had their first sexual experience as a rape
This is all culturally driven by problematic masculine norms. It's not being done by monsters and aliens - it's being done by everyday men acting out mainstream masculine norms in a culture that refuses to say that this is not acceptable. And the guys who don't do this stuff still mostly turn a blind eye to it and in so doing uphold the system that allows it to go on.
When men band together and change the culture for the better, then we can stop pointing out all the ways that masculinity harms us all.