You don't wipe your brow on a fellow surgeon's breasts in the middle of a procedure because you want to have sex with her - this stuff is all dominance related. And even forcing a subordinate to have sex with you is just using sex as a weapon. As with all sexual harassment, it's a way to remind a woman that she is essentially a "pleasure object" and not a person to be taken seriously. Coercing someone into having sex with you is not about desire (although the man may find her attractive), it’s about power and exerting that in ways that demean the woman and put her “back in her place.”
In addition, sex is just as important to women. We're just constrained by a whole lot of social and safety things that men are not.
Context is everything. If you put women in situations where they feel physically safe as well as free from judgment or shaming, their sexuality blossoms back to it’s natural state. I experienced this for myself when my husband and I started going to swinger’s clubs, and I could embody my full sexual self without fear or without entitlement to my body. It was truly a revelation and it brought me a lot of healing as well as self-expression.
There’s quite a bit of research that suggests that if women are not concerned for their safety in some way and feel likely that they will have a pleasurable experience, they are just as open to casual sex as men are. A 2017 study showed that among women aged twenty-five to twenty-nine, group sex and threesome experience equaled that of men the same age, and women were nearly twice as likely to have gone to a dungeon, BDSM, swingers’, or sex party, which challenges the long-held assumption that men are the naturally more sexually adventurous sex or that women primarily want an emotional connection.