You make some interesting points Pablo. I think that service work, and parenting, can be very fulfilling, but there has to also be a balance where you are filling the cup back up so to speak to account for all that you are giving. The cultural narrative for mothers doesn't really support that though - even now. If you do things for yourself, if you create boundaries and balance, you are not a good mother, and something like 63% of Americans still believe that being a mother is the most important thing that a woman can do.
I think it also really matters if you truly love what you do. I've notice a huge difference in burn out and short-temperedness from teachers who truly love working with autistic children and those who don't. But I think it really comes down to the fact that you can't pour from an empty cup no matter what you do. Giving to others takes inner resources and if yours are running low, then there isn't much to give.
Thanks for your thoughts, as always.