You might want to try actually looking at some data before you just declare what you feel to be something that is true.
"These rates are even higher among younger women. Six-in-ten female users ages 18 to 34 say someone on a dating site or app continued to contact them after they said they were not interested, while 57% report that another user has sent them a sexually explicit message or image they didn’t ask for. At the same time, 44% report that someone called them an offense name on a dating site or app, while 19% say they have had someone threaten to physically harm them."
Then there's guy like this one with a long list of his "requirements." Having a whole bunch of these sorts available and messaging you doesn't equate to "an easier time." And no, our ancestors never stopped hunting just because food was available in markets. These kinds of sweeping generalizations dilute your point rather than make it.
I recommend that you spend some time looking into and thinking about why so many women are leaving dating in droves. That will give some clues as to where a lot of the rejection comes in. And who are these men craving a deep and soul-nourishing connection? I know there are a few out there, but they seem to be distinctly in the minority. Every woman I know of any age who is dating complains about guys talking about sex within the first few sentences of meeting them. A lot of men seem to be looking for a walking Fleshlight and not an actual partner.
If a guy with a job who has good basic hygiene and can dress himself in clothes that fit and flatter his particular body type keeps getting rejected again and again, the issue is with him. Either he doesn't like himself well enough for women to like him, or he doesn't know how to actually talk to a woman like a human being he wants to get to know. Or, he's going after women who are out of his league. The other issue may be that they dislike women as much as you seem to, and yet still feel entitled to their time and attention. That's a big red flag right there and a huge aspect of why so many women are giving up on dating completely. It's that incel-adjacent dynamic of both disdain and entitlement.
Look around in any public place. Overwhelmingly, the men with female partners are not particularly good-looking, or tall, or rich. What could they have possibly done to attract them? I suggest you spend more time figuring that out.
Your message seems to be in a nutshell, "Women are greedy bitches who get everything handed to them on a platter but treat men like shit, but oh, won't you please be nice to us, because we deserve to be happy...." 🤮. If that's what passing for dating advice, it's time to rethink your strategy and perhaps your whole career.