You said that technology meant office jobs. Now, you've suddenly decided that it means power tools? It doesn't matter, mining is still not easy work. And there weren't all that many power tools when 30,000 women went into coal mining in the US in 1970!!!
Construction, plumbing, and other trades are still much more physical work than sitting in a chair and typing on a computer - which is what you originally claimed that women were doing because as you said, "when given the choice, women will always choose less physically demanding jobs." At least be man enough to admit that you have been shown up onside and down the other to be WRONG. Honestly, what a fucking coward....
Of course, those jobs are still dominated by men - because there's been hundreds and hundreds of years of abuse, sexual harassment, discrimination, and refusal to hire women even if they are qualified. Women who did construction in the Middle Ages were considered about as "reputable" as prostitutes - something I told you 5 comments ago. Not acknowledging that as real factor (which you have done again and again) despite tons of citations to support it, is an asshole maneuver undertaken by an extremely weak person.
That means it's long past time for me to block you. There can be no good faith discussion with someone as emotionally attached to some fiction of male superiority and as lacking in basic common sense as you.