You will get out what you put in. Be transactional, and that's what you will attract - someone who wants to use you in some way just as you are using them. Act like a human being trying to connect with another human being and you have a much better chance of a satisfying relationship.
I'm a social scientist who studies this stuff and I have oodles of research that says the same thing. The male author of this essay, who is a men's dating coach, also agrees with me. "Couldn't have said it better myself," is what he said in response to my comment.
Telling yourself (and other men) stories that scapegoat women absolves you of any responsibility for yourself, but it also leaves you lonely and alone. Learn to really like and be confident in yourself, and learn how to be a valuable social partner who connects with women he actually likes and has an authentic spark with rather than trying to get some woman, any woman as if you were trying order a sex-bot off of Amazon (which is what most online dating seems to be these days).
Look around you in the world. There are tons of so-so looking guys, who aren't rich, who have partners - usually much more physically attractive than they are. That could be you, if you stopped resenting and despising women (which is super unattractive) and stepped up your game.