Your personal perceptions are entirely irrelevant. This is a well documented phenomenon that I've already given you multiple citations about - including from the American Psychological Association. I've never once said that people like this are liked because when we're talking about power, likability is largely irrelevant unless they are just beyond the pale like Nero. I'm talking about what reads as power and leadership - even if people complain about it, they still keep the dark triad CEO because they think he makes them money. Meanwhile, research shows that places with more women in leadership, and a more collaborative style actually do better and make more money - but that doesn't mean that it's easy for women to get those jobs because we're all still swimming in a largely subconscious soup of patriarchal socialization where anger still reads as a show of dominance and masculinity.
If more people did what makes logical sense, we wouldn't be having this conversation. 🙄
You said that anger hasn't ever been praised in history and while perhaps that's technically true that people don't go around applauding it, it is highly rewarded in our culture and in all patriarchal cultures since the time of the Kurgan invasions and is literally the only difficult emotion that men are allowed to display. This really isn't in any sort of actual dispute amongst sociologists or psychologists who look at gender roles and their demands, etc. It's 101 kind of information.
You continuing to refuse to accept that is also irrelevant and I don't have any more time to devote to pointing that out to you.