Your premise is that men and women are fundamentally biologically different in all respects, not just in sex organs, but in the ways that they go about mating, thinking, what they are good at, and interested in, right? Due to their inherent biology.
But if I can come with 50 exceptions to every one of your binary rules, then it's not a very good binary, now is it? And I've already linked you a whole bunch of zoology that indicates that the "females are reticent and choosy and males are randy and promiscuous" is not even remotely true in any overarching sense. You yourself mistakenly linked me an article that was about how sexual choosiness in males is often a smart evolutionary move.
The only biological inherency that is universal to humankind, from the dawn of time until now is that we are a highly social species who need community, need touch, and need to relate and depend on each other in order to have good mental and physical health. The rest of it demonstrably shifts with the mores of the culture, over time, and in different geographic areas.
Prior to 4k BC, Egyptian women did most of the business, both legal and mercantile, while men stayed home and did the weaving. In some indigenous American tribes, weaving is done by the women. In others, it's traditionally done by the men. So where is the biological inherency here? Quite obviously, there isn't any!!
You have yet to link me anything that actually supports your point. The fact that pheromones exist is neither here nor there related to a discussion of purported differences in male and female mating strategies. And since you can't support your position, and you won't listen to reason, I feel compelled to let you know that I won't be responding to your comments any longer. It eats up too much of my valuable time.