You're a mess! But you did give me a good story idea, so that's worth something.
No, I don't think men who are struggling should go to scammers, but everything Michael Chief says is spot on and exactly what more men need to know in order to have greater success with dating and relationships. He's not a scammer. I read him all the time, and you'll notice that he gets overwhelmingly positive comments from women - because unlike the morons you are listening to, he actually understands how women think and what they are looking for.
How about Adam Duritz from Counting Crows. Literally nobody finds him physically attractive, and he's been with dozens of beautiful women? How about Ric Ocasic of The Cars? Nobody thinks he's handsome, and yet he married a supermodel - because she liked that he spoke Czech and was kind. Then there's Casanova, a famously not good looking man who is widely known as "the world's greatest lover." Ben Franklin was making French women swoon in his 70s.
Your assumption that women assess physical attractiveness in the same way as men do is all wrong and just plain silly because it's so obviously not true. But, if all the research and quotes from experts haven't convinced you by now, it's not likely that anything I say will change your mind.
Thanks for the story idea, though. I appreciate it!