You're making shit up again and my goodness it's lame. I specifically said that I don't support the draft for ANYBODY. I literally said, “Actually, nobody should be drafted.” Your deep attachment to the fact that I must mean the opposite of that is a function of you being aswim in your emotionality (pushed down into your subconscious, but running you from behind the scenes nonetheless.)
Nobody is going to clamor to be drafted - duh! But that doesn't mean that quite demonstrably, women haven’t been fighting alongside of men since the invention of war, and that in the US it has always been men that have kept women out of combat positions (or being seen as "real soldiers") until quite recently. It’s been women filing lawsuits and demanding to have the opportunity to take on any position they qualify for — including combat positions.
Men do not have some magical innate capability to fight or kill that women don't have - it's against human nature for us all and has to literally be drilled into soldiers and taught. Even then, most soldiers never kill anyone. Your "folk wisdom" straight out of the manosphere is failing you once again when compared with actual history, science, expert analysis, etc.
"Contrary to what Fox News and faulty science would say, it takes a huge effort to turn boys and men into killers. From primatologists to evolutionary anthropologists, we know that neither women nor men are killers by nature.
Extreme trauma, humiliation, shaming, social isolation and intense indoctrination are nearly always part of the making of men who kill. Other researchers have shown how the effects of toxic childhoods and damaging relationships distort our human nature and turn us into killers. The anger that some young men feel in the face of poverty and discrimination may be natural or normal; using lethal violence is not.
Turning young men into lethal combatants, whether in standing militaries, insurgency groups, police forces or violent gangs, or as lone killers, is extremely time- and resource-intensive. It takes months if not years of constant breaking and rupturing of basic human connections; it often requires systematic cruelty and brutality; it requires intense indoctrination; it requires rupturing relationships or having family members or peers who encourage killing rather than discourage it; and it requires the systematic “othering” of the “enemy.”
None of these things are hard-wired into us as human beings. Indeed, the research, from Darwin onwards, is overwhelming that we survived and thrived as a species because our biological and social propensity to live in connection and close cooperation with others is vastly stronger than any propensity to kill or harm each other."
We know that killing is difficult for most humans, in that they have to be indoctrinated into it in order to become effective soldiers, and even then, there are countless stories of the ways that even soldiers in wartime do things to avoid killing. “The majority of soldiers, although well-armed, never kills. During World War II, only one out of every five American soldiers actually fired at the enemy. Similarly, it has been calculated that during the Vietnam War, American soldiers fired over 50,000 bullets for every enemy soldier killed. Most bullets ended up in the air.”
It is undoubtedly easier to kill when you are literally protecting you city from Hannibal or some other immediate threat, but in general, humans aren’t very good at killing each other for nebulous reasons that don’t immediately impact them. All mammals are reluctant to kill others of their own species, so it’s not exactly surprising. Even very violent cultures have systems and methods for avoiding lethal conflict.
I am long beyond the age when I could be drafted but my son is not and neither are most of the children of my friends and family. I protested the first Gulf War as a young woman, not because there was any chance of me serving, but because it was a stupid, pointless thing in the way that nearly all wars are in that they solve little, and destroy lives (of even many of the ones who come home). War is intended to financially benefit defense contractors and other elites at the top of the dominance hierarchy who are more than happy to send the children of the poorer and less socially connected to fight and die for their benefit while for the most part, their children stay safely at home.
The percentage of women in the services overall has been rising slowly in recent years, and female service members have slowly but steadily integrated combat arms jobs. Women have been serving as leaders of Marine Corps platoons, Air Force Air Wings, combat vessels, howitzer section chiefs, and numerous Army units.
And, from the story on women warriors that you’ve already read:
"Since the opening of combat positions to women, several female service members have trained to step into these new roles. Over the past seven years, 100 women have graduated from the Army’s Ranger School and others have successfully completed Navy SEAL officer assessment and selection, proving their capabilities in even the most rigorous and challenging of assignments." —
Acting like women in service only ride desks, and aren’t strong and resilient is once again telling yourself a little folk tale that (apparently) makes you feel better about yourself. 🙄 In general, most men have a much, much lower pain threshold than women and the way women’s muscles are configured give them greater stamina. Sure, men tend to have greater upper body strength, but much of that is related to size. Rhonda Rousey would wipe the floor with you in a fight, and there are hundreds, if not thousands of women who can bench more than you can. Women from the beginning of wars have fought men with swords and the same weapons being used against them.
Aren’t you tired of your silly stories entirely divorced from reality by now? Because I sure am . . .