You've already demonstrated that you would not take me seriously even though I answered your somewhat snarky question in good faith and with significant academic supports. You then replied to me by being condescending and rude - so then you got a taste of your own medicine. Funny how guys like you are happy to dish it out but get all offended when a woman gives you a bit of the same.
You could not support anything you said beyond one half-baked medium article and a wiki on patriarchy that barely scraped the surface. I roundly refuted all of your assertions - which did come from nothing but cultural myth - with science, data, history, and anthropology. In the face of that, I reserve the right to point out to you that you are in fact talking nonsense, out of your ass.
FYI, I'm a boomer too, and my large fan base, which is about 55% men, reads my stories for their sociological, anthropological and historical content, as well as for my social commentary and analysis. The whack-a-mole aspect is just icing.