I provide links to at least three research-related stories giving evidence of what I said and what the author of the OP said, but that doesn't count because .... ? She's primarily talking about her own experiences but some random guy asserts that he's polled a bunch of his friends and they "disagreed" - with what, her personal experiences about her own dating life? He's lying because it hurts his feelings, just like it hurts yours, to hear that lots of women find they are happier avoiding romantic connections with men.
The parts that aren't her own take on her own life are quotes from The Conversation and Aljazeera, so what are you on about anyhow?
C'mon, you're not even making any sense at all, and neither is he. Saying you don't agree with somebody else's personal experiences and the way they feel about them is nonsensical in the extreme.
Most men I have come across who are expressing an opinion about the 4B movement seem to think that it's meant to punish men - and have no concept of it as a way for women to reclaim peace and sanity. I have not polled all men; but I also haven't claimed to. I'm simply expressing what I have come across in discussions of this topic and what I've read about it and I stand by my position.
I don't have any more time to try to reason with someone this irrational. Honestly . . .